Thursday, September 30, 2010

Toward the end of the border closure candidates (cabup) Pacitan Democratic candidates enrolled in droves. Those who enroll are Endartato, Sujono, Subroto, Sudibyo, Sutrisno, and Atik Kusdarwati and Brigadier General Aziz Ahmadi.
Upon registration, it appears only Endartato carrying supporters. Mass which amounts to tens of nominees to the office was paraded DPC Democrat Road S. Parman, Pacitan riding a bicycle. While other cabup register properly without bringing supporters.
According to a supporter Aziz Ahmadi, Kristanto, Aziz did not intentionally bring supporters because they do not want a show of force. Though about 1,000 supporters were ready to accompany him to register.
"The truth is there are about 1000 people who are ready to take Mr. Aziz, but he was banned because it does not want to squeeze and let remain polite as where Pak SBY," said Kristanto, Tuesday (21/09/2010).
Meanwhile, Aziz admitted to thank PD DPC Pacitan Democrat who has given himself the opportunity to participate crawl sn cagub formation of SBY's party.
"Alhamdulillah, every application process runs smoothly, no problems. We are grateful to all the current Democratic Party and hopefully seamlessly," said Aziz.
The same is also disclosed Endartanto team after registration. In front of all the supporters he speaks forcefully that the registration process goes smoothly. "Thank God, our candidate registration smoothly," he said waving a folder contains a form pendaftran.
Endartanto confessed interested come running because he wants to membangunPacitan. "I want to get ahead because they want Pacitan be even better," she said as she left the Democratic Party DPC Office.
Today is the deadline for registration cagub which will follow the crawl through the Democratic Party. While the other parties has yet to open the netting.(WLN / WLN)